Why take these courses?

If you take this knowledge and apply it to people and animals you thereby gain experience, which enables you to help some of the many people in the world who suffer from disorders and diseases so unnecessarily. You will assist them in having a richer, more productive, healthier, happier life. When you touch one person, you touch the lives of all who meet them, all of whom they love. If you follow these methods and techniques closely you should be able to help about 90% of the people and animals you work with.

Who can take these courses?

Everybody. People from every age, walk of life and profession have attended these seminars with no previous experience necessary. 

Why Brian?

Brian has over 30 years of experience in the field. He is an international speaker with a wealth of knowledge. Brian is perceptive, calm and caring, and takes the time to ensure that your questions are answered in a straight forward manner.

Touch For Health Level I: The core of T.F.H.



Brian Haraga

Elisa Picó Reig




Brian Haraga

Prechecks for accurate muscle testing

  • Origin-Insertion technique

  • Neurolymphatic reflexes

  • Neurovascular reflexes

  • Acupuncture meridians

  • Muscle challenging

  • Surrogate testing

  • Emotional stress release

  • Vision and hearing correction

  • Simple pain relief techniques

  • Food sensitivity testing

  • Muscle tests and corrections for: supraspinatus, teres major, pectoralis major clavicular, latismus dorsi, subscapularis, quadriceps, perineus, psoas, gluteus medius, anterior deltoid, pectoralis major sternal, anterior serratus, tensor fascia lata and more.

  • No Pre-Requisite


The Body Management manual uses several simple and painless techniques, that you can help restore your energy by enabling the stomach, uterus, colon etc. to move back where they are supposed to be.

Content:  Allergies, carpal tunnel syndrome, common ailments, cranium release, cross- over switches, diet, disclaimer sampler, female and male reproductive organs, four main power switches, gradual muscle testing, hiatus hernia, hip displacement, ileocecal valve, informative reading, left brain vs. right brain, lower back strengthening, lymphatic ducts, neck problems, nutrition for the mind, other acculite applications, prolapsed colon, pubic bones displacement, skeletal structure, spinal structure, tennis elbow and more.

Pre-Requisite: TFH I.


Touch For Health Level II: Meridian Theories and The 5 Elements


Brian Haraga

Elisa Picó Reig

  • Circuit locating

  • Chinese 5 element laws

  • Acupressure holding points

  • Meridian alarm points

  • Time of day balance

  • 5 element one point balance

  • Emotional stress relief for future and past events

  • Cross crawl for brain integration

  • Spindle cell and golgi tendon to correct muscle function and heal injuries

  • Muscle tests and correction for: anterior neck flexors, brachioradialis, lower trapezius, rectus abdominus, and more.

  • Pre-Requisite: TFH I


T.F.H Level III: Reactive muscles, the missing link in rehabilitatioN


Brian Haraga

Elisa Picó Reig

  • Circuit retaining mode

  • Reactive muscles

  • Postural stress release

  • Tibetan figure 8 energy

  • Pain release techniques

  • Emotional stress release for past events

  • Muscle tests and corrections for: levator scapulae, posterior neck extensors, opponens pollicus longus, triceps, upper trapezius, gracilis, soleus, gastrocnemius, coracobrachialis, diaphragm, hamstrings, and more.

  • Pre-Requisite: TFH I-II


T.F.H. level IV: Where it all comes together


Brian Haraga

Elisa Picó Reig

  • 5 element emotional balance determining the emotional component involved in the correction procedure.

  • 5 element color and sound balance (often related to core issues)

  • Acupressure holding Point Theory*Frozen Muscles ( muscles which do not properly contract or relax.)

  • Advanced nutritional testing

  • 42 muscle tests-head to toe

  • Lots of hands-on time

  • Circuit stacking and more.

  • Pre-Requisite: TFH I-II-III


Body Management II



Brian Haraga

This course is the continuation of Body Management I. A more advance and details to a personal application of the material and more; to help heal the body from the inside out, from the head down and reverse order in which they occur.

The Body Management manual uses several simple and painless techniques. You can help restore your energy by enabling the stomach, uterus, colon to move back where they are supposed to be. 

 Pre-Requisite: TFH I and Body Management I


Equine/Pet Therapy:



Brian Haraga

You will learn structural alignment of the hips, vertebra, cranial bones and correcting muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bones, and organ function balancing on a physical, mental, emotional, and nutritional level; balancing horse and rider together and more.

  • Pre-Requisite: Body Management I and TFH I.


Additional registration options:

Please fill out the form and

Call us at (403) 742-8869 or email us at haragahealth@gmail.com


We have package discounts below.


Discounts -Minimum of 10 people is needed per class

Discounts -Minimum of 10 people is needed per class


Berry’s Body Management:

  • Manual and Certificate included with the payment

Touch For Health:

  •  Certificate included with the payment

  • The Complete Editon Touch for Health additional payment of $60


Brian Haraga:

BRIAN HARAGA, began using muscle monitoring for horses at age 15. By 16, an auto accident left him paralyzed. Al Berry’s Body Management work enabled Brian to recover and get back to rodeoing. Brian’s work reflects his life lessons as well as his in-depth study of the body (human and animal) and how it works.

Brian is an instructor for Touch For Health, Body Management, Equine/Pet therapy, Live and Dry Blood Cell Analysis Instructor, and a former Educational Kinesiology Instructor. Brian is also a professional Energy Kinesiology Practitioner in Canada and incorporates many other modalities into his practice like Educational Kinesiology, LEAP, SIPS, Dawson Program as well as others.

Brian has more than 30 years of experience working with people and with all kinds of animals. His main focus is his clinical work in Stettler, Alberta, Canada; where he has worked with people of almost every known disease; ailment, and deformity; by giving them a wealth of knowledge such as the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and nutritional aspects of the human body. and continues to learn thru his experience working with people. Brian says “ This healing modality allows me to help people to enhance their lives to its full potential in a caring straightforward manner”.

Elisa Picó Reig:

Elisa has devoted almost more than one decade to the art of health after experiencing cancer in her early 30s. Now more than 20 years after, she enjoys life to its full potential in service to others. Elisa is a passionate Berry's Body Management, Touch for Health Instructor/ practitioner, CranioSacral practitioner, a PKP student, Energy Medicine practitioner and Ancestral Healing practitioner. life is meant to be empowering, interesting, authentic, and fun- full of curiosity. Influence profoundly by nature, she focuses on helping others to re-remember and re-connect with their self-transformational journey.

Now she lives in Canada, where she fell in love with the land and people in a secluded place in Central Alberta. This space gives me the opportunity to focus on my work, in a tranquil and serene environment, and still be connected around the world.