Lifetime Member Profile: Meet Brian Haraga   

CanAsk featured Brian in their monthly newsletter

Interviewed by Michelle Greenwell featured in newsletter July 2017


Introducing Brian Haraga of Stettler Alberta: Haraga’s Health Management,
How and when did you get involved in Specialized Kinesiology?

When Brian was 14 years old he met Stan Stuber, a rancher in Alberta, who was using muscle testing (dowsing) to work with horses for chiropractic adjustments.  Brian and his brother began purchasing crippled horses, fixing them up and then reselling them.  Soon people were bringing them horses, they were purchasing from the stock yard and they were retraining the horses for useful endeavors.  They could make $1000 per horse and turn out 5 horses a month.  It was a good amount of money for a teenager at that time.  Brian’s father was a Canadian Champion in the rodeo and he helped with the retraining and breaking the horses for riding and roping.  Later, Al Berry became a big influence when Brian had a bad car accident and he needed to learn how to use his muscle testing skills on himself.  He learned Body Management and Touch For Health at this time to get his hips back into alignment and to repair the nerve damage.  Touch for Health was introduced to him after this through John Thie and then John Maguire to certified as a Touch for Health Instructor.  It has now been 40 years since those humble beginnings.
Please describe how you have used or do use SK in your life and your work? 
Brian uses SK in everything:   Physically, Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally.  When he met Al Berry at the age of 16 he was inspired by the ability to ask the body questions.  By 18 years of age Brian was learning TFH.  He loved that muscle testing worked on nature and on emotions.  It was more than just dowsing.  He was able to take the language right down to the cellular level.  He began practicing on the neighbours on hands and knees and eventually got a massage table to make it easier.  Brian has tried to walk away from the profession on several occasions, but it always finds a way to bring him back in, and he really enjoys what he is able to accomplish each day for his clients.
Do you still practice or teach SK?  If so, which modality and where?
Currently Brian runs a busy company with Elisa his partner. She is his office manager and keeps all the details of running the practice together.  He teaches Body Management and Touch for Health and enjoys sharing each discipline.  Body Management allows him the opportunity to spend more time with physiology and anatomy and how the body functions.  When working with clients he muscle tests which modality to use and the priority and finds that most often he uses Body Management, PKP, plus modes, and the Dawson program.  The Dawson program comes from Australia and involves information from the Bible, Ancient Egypt and Kinesiology in one.  This involves oils, sounds, eyes, ears, auric fields, structure, chakras, and sacred geometry.  He also uses such tools as muscle stimulators, vibrators, hands on techniques and semi coherent color acculite which he has designed specifically for his needs.  These acculites  are full spectrum and speed up the frequency with the different light colors to assist the body to help heal itself. 
Who were your teachers or inspirations?
Brian’s Mom was his first inspiration.  She would give visitors to the house coffee and wait with them while Brian did his sessions with clients.  He wasn’t charging then, so she decided to charge for her time at $25 per time to cover costs.  After several months she showed Brian how much she had earned and how much he had lost by not charging…this convinced him to begin to take the role seriously and begin to make money.  She was also instrumental in getting Brian his first massage table so he didn’t have to kneel on the floor for hours. 
When Brian began to learn from John Thie, he was inspired by the ability to use goal setting to get the brain to activate the healing in the body.  After all the other techniques that had come before this, he was now able to pinpoint the exact goal in order to activate the healing process.  This really shifted Brian’s techniques and work with clients.
Now Brian’s greatest inspiration is watching students become instructors and passing it forward.  He enjoys seeing where they take the information and what they do with the material and their own clients. And, lastly, it is his clients who inspire him to go further.  He retired from the work several years back and He followed one of his dreams, learning how to fly. He also extended his training with horses and even took an oil field job just for a while.  However, one person called him steady for 3 weeks and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.  This man had a calf that needed its hips realigned and the nerves flowing through the limbs.  The calf was saved and began walking after the treatment.  After some time, Brian returned to the profession that chose him.
An area of his work that inspires him in a different way than just working with clients is to work with his sister, a 2 time Canadian Champion Barrel Racer.  He has helped her with working on her racing skills and building the competitive edge.  He will video tape the runs and muscle test through the video to see where the problem in the performance was.  From this information he can fine tune the runs and assist the challenges the horses are having in their performance too.

 What are your hopes and dreams for the future of Specialized Kinesiology?
As much as Brian tried to not become a “professional” in his early days, he hopes that SK can rise in status to be accepted as a strong Health Profession and that CanASK can have a strong status among the health organizations.  With this vision, the financial rewards will start to give back to the clinicians who have worked so hard to hone their incredible talents.  He is enjoying the new direction the executive has focused to with videos and marketing tools, and looks forward to more training for the organizations members.  This is crucial to the future of SK.
Overall he hopes that SK is able to stay away from any regulation from the College of Physicians.  He recognizes that they don’t know the scope of the work, and as a result will box the ideas into their limited focus and this will prevent an expansion of possibility with techniques and information that could expand the way SK helps the body to heal. 

 How have you contributed to the formation of CanASK? 
Brian’s contribution comes through his devotion to SK, to continuing education through the courses he teaches, his introduction to muscle monitoring  to get the conversation started and work at the grass roots level.  He is not big on being a part of the organizational aspect of the CanASK group, but he keeps up through the newsletters and by doing what he can in his community.  He always highlights the benefits of CanASK to his students and sends them towards a permanent membership.  
What value do you want members to receive in the future from CanASK? 
He hopes that everyone can build a greater attitude about what it is that SK can do for people and recognize that the treatments have value. This can be a very strong profession.
Brian’s children are now 8 and 10 years of age, and they have some skills that they have picked up from their parents, but this year he looks forward to teaching them TFH.  He knows that passing the skills to future generations are important so the information is not lost.
Lastly, Brian chose to be a lifetime member because it made financial sense for the long haul.  Having said that, he believes that new money streams into the organization through grants and opportunities could benefit everyone in more advertising to the public and setting up a targeted marketing campaign for SK that would reap benefits to all the members.   

Thanks Brian for taking the time to share your SK story with Michelle and thank you to Michelle for interviewing Brian and writing this profile.